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We have always loved sharing the things that we do in our personal time and space to ground ourselves and bring some ritual and routine into our lives, as well as the small moments of joy that we cultivate for ourselves. In these recent times, our lives have shifted dramatically as we move our whole lives inside, and our personal space changes in its role and function. We were really interested in how this changed the ways we explore and play creatively and what inspires us when we look more inward. So, we asked some of our talented and creative friends to share a doodle with us, to explore these ideas. We also asked them a few questions about how their life and practice has changed. We hope you enjoy, and find inspiration in their drawings and thoughts as much as we did.


What are your tips for working creatively from home?

Pick a spot (welcome the natural light on a daylight, the sun always gives you a positive energy), make it comfortable and adjust it to your mood. You can light a scented candle/incense, play some tunes… or not…
Get focused and just let it flow.

How many days have you been in isolation?
What does this look like where you are?

I have been in isolation for 3 weeks. In terms of scenery, there’s not much of a difference I think, I still saw cars around when I went out for groceries. But you can just feel the fear there. Also the delivery service can’t enter my neighbourhood anymore to protect the people from potential risk, and I usually order food through gojek.

What is the first thing that you want to do when all this is over?

The very first thing would be to have a long good massage. I think that would be the thing I miss the most.






Wake up, go get a coffee, kiss the sun and return to your studio.




How are you feeling today?

I’ve been up & down. I’m afraid for many
friends around the world - and those in sanitation, citizenship & domestic situations more precarious than mine. It’s been hard trying to change anything at a distance.

What do you miss the most about your normal routine?

It’s not my first conflict, of course - or time under a political situation bigger than yourself. So on the whole, I’m pretty adaptable - but I do miss putting my head 
under water.

What are your tips for working creatively from home?  

Turn your phone off, where you can. Wake up,
go get a coffee, kiss the sun and return to your studio - not your house. Listen to good music - new music,
and trusted music. Wear what makes you feel good.

How many days have you been in isolation?
What does this look like where you are?

I have been in isolation for 20 days. The city has been under lockdown for almost two weeks, the streets are empty which makes the sounds of sirens more distinct. I actually live next to a highway, so there's never truly a moment of quietness. 

What do you miss the most about your normal routine?

Prior to isolation, I was constantly going on errands around the city. So, I miss having the need to be somewhere and having to pay close attention to my pace. And as insignificant as this sounds, I also miss the subway ride that takes me into Lower Manhattan.

What is your favorite thing to do at the moment at home?

All the things that I used to make excuses for not doing before - I now practice yoga in the morning, water my plants and take online classes on cosmology. I enjoy taking this time to shift the focus away from my usual practice.



“I can’t decide if it’s a flower or a sun. I think it’s both.”




If you can visit your fav to-go place today, where would it be?

Anywhere with big trees and fresh air, or the beach.

Whats your fav activity to do at home at the moment?

To be honest it’s almost impossible for me to do any personal/creative work at the moment while staying at home with a toddler and a baby. I’m still learning how to slow down and appreciate moments for what they are. We try to do lots of paintings together, while also learning a thing or two. This painting (on the left) was based on the image of Primal Scream’s cover I showed her a few days ago & Murakami’s flowers. It still amazed me how her brain picked up things and came up with that. “I can’t decide if it’s a flower or a sun. I think it’s both.”

The abstract image was based on one of my favourite painters, Gerhard Richter. She picked the colours and put the paints on paper, then we did the rest together.

Sometimes our painting activities end up in a fight lol. Once we can’t handle each other anymore, we bake or we turn on the TV. 

We also like to go out for some fresh air.

If you can visit your favourite to-go place today, where would it be?

Anywhere with big trees and fresh air, or the beach.

What's your fav web/ig for recipes?

I love Salad for President. I have her book but I like the web/instagram as it's constantly evolving with everyone's mood.

What’s your fav new thing to do that you never have done before?

I’m enjoying taking more walks than ever before and just generally looking around. Paying attention to light, nature, sounds, smells. I’m seeing my friends who live near me in the local park, multiple times/week. I would never have enough free time in my regular life to have gone walking or be chatting in the park– but now I have the time and the need. It’s nice to talk about things other than work and to pay attention to the world.

Has your morning routine changed since?
Can you take us on a quick stroll through your morning?

It certainly has. I have always done group fitness sessions at the gym which is off the cards now – so I’ve been running and doing a daggy home workout using apps and weights. The upside is there is zero travel time between home > gym > studio. I try and get that out of the way as soon as I wake up. If it’s a run it’s a beautiful route around the Yarra where I see all sorts of birds and nature. I usually pick something up like a leaf or a feather or a rock. I have breakie and a coffee at home and always listen to morning PBS radio. By 9 I am at my desk, trying to keep a working routine as normal as possible. The cat follows me everywhere.

What song are you currently listening to?
Josephine Wiggs.

How are you feeling today?
Dying of boredom.

What are your tips for working creatively from home?
Coffee and cigarettes.

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