Our Pillow Talk features are an opportunity for us to get a bit deep and personal with some of our favourite people, and we could not think of a more interesting person to share our pillow with other than artist Frances Cannon. She’s based in Melbourne but grew up in Thailand, and today Frances is becoming increasingly well known for her sweet, yet direct and political, illustrations and messages of self-acceptance on Instagram. We believe that relationships with self-love can be complex and even contradictory, but they’re relationships worth fighting for. So, we were thrilled to hang out with Frances in her home one afternoon, and we got talking about the many ways comfort and discomfort can lead to increased self-love.

What do you do to help yourself feel comfortable when you need it most?
I think a lot of growth can be had from being in an unfamiliar environment or experiencing something new and scary. But I also think it's important not to push yourself too much, especially if you struggle with anxiety etc. Just do what is best for you and your mental health.

I feel most centered when I am drawing and for me, doing art is the kindest thing I can do for myself.

Frances's SUKU pick,
Heartbeat Puffer Kimono + The Stripe Pyjama,
Moon Pyjama + Teardrop Dressing Gown
Photography // Christine Lafian
Words // Maxine Dabrowski