Welcome back to our Familiar Faces series, where we emphasise the appreciation we have for the people that make up our every day by asking some of our friends to talk to the people that feature in their lives.
For this instalment we spoke to Mirei, who we met 2 years ago when doing our Pillowtalk with Hikari Mori. We love the rawness and joy of her photos, and were so happy to get to meet some of the people she’s surrounded by. Mirei is a Tokyo-based photographer who uses film photography for her emotive portraits, sewing strong and supportive connections within the creative industry there.
世代もエージェンシーも一緒で共通の友人が多いKeito。私服がおしゃれなので、実は撮影の小物はほぼ彼女のもの 🤣 ゲームが好きで、最近はお家でダンスゲームをしながら運動してるみたい!
I met Keito because we’re both represented by the same agency - we’re around the same age and have lots of friends in common. She loves video games and has been playing dancing games at home to get her exercise in. Since she has amazing taste in fashion, most of the accessories used in this shoot are basically just what she rocked up in 🤣. |
Liinaも同じエージェンシーのモデルさん。Keitoと同様実は今回がはじめましてだけど、若いので撮影チーム内ではベイビーみたいな存在で何やっても可愛いかった! |
Similarly to Keito, I met Liina for the first time at this shoot and she is also with the same agency. She is the baby of the crew because she is young and everything she does is cute!
くるみの事はインスタで知っていたからいつか撮ってみたいとずっと思っていたところ、お仕事をきっかけに良いタイミングで出会うことに。くるみの彼氏が私の同級生ということもあり、自然と(特に夏ぐらいから)すごく仲良くなって、今では友達の1人になりました。彼女もフィルムカメラで写真を撮るし、歳が近く悩みごとも相談し合えるのでいつも話が尽きなくて、撮影を一緒にする事もあればプライベートで飲みに行く事もあります。 お互いモデル、フォトグラファーとしてリスペクトし合えるし、友人としても自然体でいれる素敵な関係だと思います。 |
We met each other through work, which was lucky because I incidentally knew her from Instagram and always wanted to shoot her. We get along well naturally and she is dating someone I know from school, which helped in us becoming good friends, particularly this summer. I get to enjoy drinks with her outside of model shoots. Since we are a similar age and share a love of taking photos on film, we always have a lot to chat about; she is also someone I can talk to if there’s something on my mind. I think our friendship is special in the sense that we can be ourselves in each other’s presence and have respect for each other’s talent as model and photographer. |